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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery : Choosing a Cost Effective Hospital

If you’re suffering from back pain caused by your spine, you’ll want to locate solutions that will allow you to resume your usual life. After non-surgical attempts at recovery have failed, you may consider spine surgery. Back surgery is an excellent option for some people, but it is not for everyone. Various hospitals, including Columbia Asia Hospital Gurgaon, ensure minimally invasive & advanced spine surgery for patients with severe back pain or spinal cord problems. 

Instead of doing surgery through a single big hole, minimally invasive surgery employs relatively tiny incisions. However, more than one incision is occasionally required. Special surgical equipment, such as cameras or microscopes, enable the surgeon to do the surgery while seeing interior structures on a screen. In order to reach the spine during open spine surgery, the surgeon must retract or reposition muscles in the region. Muscles and surrounding tissues may be harmed as a result of this. However, with the sophisticated instruments utilized in minimally invasive spine surgery, the surgeon can restore the spine while causing as little damage to adjacent muscles and tissues as possible.

Reasons to insist on minimally invasive spine surgery – As a whole, the goal of the minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery is to stabilize the vertebral bones and spinal joints while also reducing or relieving pressure on the spinal nerves, which is frequently caused by conditions such as spinal instability, bone spurs, herniated discs, thoracic outlet syndrome, scoliosis, and tumors of the spine. Columbia Asia Hospital Gurgaon is the pioneer in providing sophisticated spinal surgery techniques with Lesser risk of post-surgery complications & infection. 

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In comparison to open spine surgery, minimally invasive surgical techniques have the potential to be faster, safer, and needless recuperation time after surgery. In light of the lower level of damage to the muscles and soft tissues (as compared to open procedures), the following potential advantages are possible:

  • Tiny skin incisions produce better aesthetic effects (sometimes as small as several millimeters)
  • Surgery results in less blood loss.
  • Since minimal or no cutting of the muscle is necessary, there is a lower chance of muscle injury.
  • Infection and postoperative discomfort are less likely to occur.
  • Recovery post-surgery is more rapid, and rehabilitation is less extensive.
  • Reduced dependence on painkillers & medicines after the surgery

Furthermore, because certain MIS operations are conducted as outpatient procedures and only need a local anesthetic, the risk of an adverse reaction to general anesthesia is lower than it would be otherwise.

MIS Techniques Used in Surgical Spine Procedures – Many of the same surgical procedures that can be performed “open” can also be performed minimally invasively. Among them are the following:

  • Replacement of artificial discs
  • Foraminotomy, laminotomy, and laminectomy (nerve decompression)
  • The Discectomy (disc removal)
  • Balloon kyphoplasty or vertebroplasty (VCF stabilization)
  • Instrumentation implantation (e.g., interbody device, screws)
  • Spinal fusion

A minimally invasive procedure is not always necessary for addressing spinal conditions. A Neurosurgeon doctor can inform you whether or not you should have one if you have one. In some cases, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) may not be as safe or successful as conventional open surgery. If this is the case, your doctor will be able to advise you of the relative risks and advantages of the procedure. Furthermore, some diseases are not genuinely curable with minimally invasive surgery (MIS). Columbia Asia Hospital Gurgaon provides both minimally invasive and open spine surgery for neurological problems depending on the patient’s disease and health condition. 

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Choose the best hospital for Minimally invasive spine surgery – 

All of the facilities and treatment procedures offered at Columbia Asia hospital Gurgaon make it the city’s favored top center for all Spinal Diseases and neurology treatments.

On Credihealth, you may search the doctor list at Columbia Asia Hospital Gurgaon and schedule an appointment with the top neurosurgeon in Gurgaon. Individuals may arrange online appointments and teleconsultations with Credihealth with a single click by filling out the necessary information. Credihealth, an online healthcare platform, helps customers locate the best physicians and hospitals in all of India’s major cities, schedule priority appointments with their chosen doctors, and estimate hospital costs for treatments and operations. You may use Credihealth to seek a second opinion, a cost comparison, or an appointment with a doctor, or you can choose a health professional based on their ratings, reviews, and overall experience.

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