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Treatment for Congenital Heart Defects in Children in Bangalore

Congenital heart defects are found in the newborn during birth. The children are more prone to disease as they are sensitive. It is a birth defect encountered in an individual during delivery. The defective heart reveals symptoms such as triggering pain, sweating around the neck, and dizziness. The newborn with a heart defect faces difficulty during breathing and in an active lifestyle. There are various treatments available for heart defects. Hence Columbia Asia hospital hebbal is the one-stop solution for the treatment. 

Abnormal rhythms in the heart create severe complications. Patients with heart disorder reveal symptoms including skin color turning grey and fast breathing. 

Treatments Available –

A pediatric cardiac surgeon is a doctor who performs surgery on congenital heart defects. Heart surgery is needed when it fails to function correctly. Thus, the following are the available treatment options for heart defects:

  • Heart surgery: Your newborn may have to go through open-heart surgery. It is a minimally invasive heart surgery that helps in repairing congenital heart defects. The doctor will provide anesthesia to reduce the sensitivity of pain. Heart surgery may take up to 6-9 hours to operate. Besides, the recovery period may take up to 2-3 days after the surgery.
  • Valve replacement: When one of the heart’s valves fails to function, the doctor will replace the diseased valve with a healthy one. The donor donates the healthy valve. It is a quick surgery that may take 3-4 days for a recovery period. The doctors will also provide medication to boost the immune system. 
  • Cardiac catheterization: The doctor will insert a thin tube which is known as a catheter. It is used to fix the holes in the heart. Cardiac catheterization is helpful to treat the narrowing of the heart. It may take 3-4 days as a recovery period after the surgery. 
  • Fetal cardiac intervention: It is infrequent that doctors process fetal cardiac intervention on the patient. But when the heart defect is revealed in the initial stage, the doctor will perform the surgery. The feta; cardiac surgery is rarely performed, but it can also be one of the suitable options. 
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How are Congenital heart defects developed in children?

The heart is supposed to perform the smooth functioning of blood circulation. A normal heart consists of a valve, arteries, and chambers that help in regulating the blood. All internal parts perform the circulation in a specific pattern. If all the rooms and valves work correctly, blood is pumped through the heart towards the lungs for oxygen. 


However, in regulating blood and pumping, if any of these parts fail to function, congenital heart defects arise. It is a-holes in the chambers of the heart. The holes in the section of the heart create complications such as pulmonary hypertension. Arrhythmias. And infection.


The ruptured chamber stagnant the flow of the blood and creates obstacles in the pumping of the blood. Thus, the hole in the heart causes a lot of damage to the internal walls and blood vessels. Columbia Asia hospital hebbal helps the newborn with heart defects to get the proper treatment. 

How are Congenital heart defects diagnosed?

There are various tests that the doctor might suggest running. These diagnostic tests help find the damaged part in the heart disorder. Following are the diagnosis test you can expect:

  • Fetal ultrasound: The gynecologist will run an ultrasound around the womb. It helps in finding if the fetus has any heart defect. During the fetal ultrasound, the doctor will be able to detect abnormal growth or abnormal heart rhythm. And further, the expert will try to listen to the abnormal heart sounds with the help of a stethoscope. 
  • Pulse oximetry: The test is helpful to measure the oxygen present in the newborn blood. Pulse oximetry helps in diagnosing heart defects and heart rhythm disorders. The doctor will add sticky patches which have sensors on your baby’s chest. The patches are connected to wires that display results. 
  • Chest X-ray: A X-ray will help diagnose the damaged part in the chest. The X-ray contains captured images of the internal structure of the heart’s valve and muscles. 
  • MRI: The doctor will use MRI to diagnose and evaluate the congenital heart defects in the newborn. It takes 3D images of the heart that has the accurate structure of the internal walls. 
  • ECG: Electrocardiogram is one of the noninvasive tests that record the electrical activity of your child’s heart. ECG helps in detecting heart defects and heart rhythm disorders. 
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It happens that some congenital heart is easily diagnosed during pregnancy. Thus, the newborn has less chance of heart disorder. However, if your newborn is shifted to the Neonatal Intensive care unit, then there is nothing to panic about. The doctors at Columbia Asia hospital hebbal will provide complete medical attention during the treatment. During the pregnancy, the doctors may ask for routine prenatal tests. 


The tests are done to check a baby’s growth and development. It is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions and guidelines. During the pregnancy, the mother must take care of the daily routine. It is beneficial to take a healthy diet during early pregnancy. 


If your child is diagnosed with a coronary heart defect, it is natural to be in a discomfort state. However, Columbia Asia hospital hebbal is the healthcare partner with Credihealth. In case you want a second opinion on your child’s condition, call on +91 8010-994-994. Our medical experts will assist you in getting the best medical facilities. For additional medical offers and treatment, call our experts for the same. The practitioners at the hospital are available on Credihealth to serve their best medical practice.

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